Teen Band Borderline release debut track that gets you Spinning.

Mellow, catchy, and cool, Indie Pop band Borderline’s debut single ‘Spinning’ about teen love showcases a sound beyond their years.

Auckland based and all under 17, Jackson Boswell, Sam Mandeno-Clay, Sam Tebbutt, and Matthew McFadden have played music together since they were in Primary School, except for lead vocalist Ben Glanfield who joined the ranks last year.

“We’re super excited for our debut release, ‘Spinning’. It’s one of the first songs we worked on together and is something we’re really proud of as a band, we can’t wait to play it live! To us, the track feels like something you’d listen to during summer with your mates, and a good one to blast on the car stereo,” says Jackson Boswell, drummer for Borderline.

Spinning is out now, the first of many new tracks, and perhaps new love, to come.

Listen to ‘Spinning’