Jeremy Redmore supports Dermot Kennedy ahead of New Release


From the full review:

Opening for Kennedy was Jeremy Redmore, former frontman of local band Midnight Youth, who took to the stage half an hour later than his expected set time. I wasn’t expecting much from Redmore due to his prolonged absence from the music scene, and felt immediately underwhelmed when he appeared alone on stage, placidly picking up a guitar before diving into his set.

Underestimating the talent of Redmore was an immediate regret, as the musician proved to be one of the most impressive and controlled opening acts I’ve ever witnessed. Performing a selection of songs from his forthcoming album, Redmore put the audience through a number of tests – Could they light up their phone spotlights when needed? Could they scream with joy and appreciation for Kennedy, backstage? Could they become silent and respectful on command? Could they sing along in gentle unison? – each punctuated by his powerful voice and equally powerful lyrics.

Finishing with Golden Love and Travellin’ Song, though Redmore confessed to only recently returning to music after a five-year hiatus, the authentic nature of his stage presence indicated a mature musician embarking on a memorable and prolific solo career. With Redmore announcing his new album release scheduled for later this year, he is an artist who everyone should be watching closely in the coming months.

Jayden Keoghan